The Mongolian Easter Bunny by Kenny Irwin

GALLERY 446 Presents "The Mongolian Easter Bunny" By Kenny Irwin Artist Reception: Saturday, March 14, 2015 6pm - 10pm

On Saturday, March 14th, 2015 Artist, Kenny Irwin’s, will bring a whole new kind of art and light known for “ROBOLIGHTS” started at the age of 12, 1986 and has attracted over 25,000 art enthusiats for over 29 years from around the globe. This Spring Kenny Irwin brings once again an extrodinary installation .....The Mongolian Easter Bunny arrives from the silk road to take over and conquer Gallery 446 with a super spiced masala holiday art installation.  

Step into the world of the Great Kublai Khattontail of the Bunnyai Dynasty who will stop at nothing to dominate the world of gift giving. For centuries, Kublai Khattontail has been after Santa Claus to take over his kingdom of gifts and now an all out cheery battle ensues like no other against the Great Claus and this could mean easter eggs under your christmas tree for the rest of time as we know if the Mongolian Easter Bunny is victorious. Be there!

$10 donation tickets will be available

Proceeds from this exhibition benefitting BOO2bullying (

"Artists awakening the world to the problems of hate and intolerance, and encouraging our youth to find their inner voice and speak their truth."


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